The Angular proposal

The Angular proposal is meant to be used for parameters that are cyclic \(\in [0, 2\pi)\). It works by using a truncated normal distribution for the jump proposal. For any point \(\phi \in [0, 2\pi)\) a jump is produced by drawing a \(\Delta \phi\) from the truncated normal with zero mean and bounds at \(+/- \pi\). The \(\Delta\phi\) is added to \(\phi\), then cyclic boundaries are applied so that the new point is within \([0, 2\pi)\); i.e.,

:raw-latex:`\begin{equation} \phi' = (\phi + \Delta \phi)\mod 2\pi. \end{equation}`

This type of proposal is particularly useful for problems in which the phase of a signal needs to be estimated. As is demonstrated below, the angular proposal for such a model is much more efficient than the standard normal proposal when the parameter that is being estimated is close to either \(0\) or \(2\pi\).

%matplotlib notebook
from matplotlib import pyplot
from epsie.proposals import (Angular, Normal, Boundaries)
import numpy
from scipy import stats

1D Test

class AngularModel(object):

    def __init__(self, phi0=0., std=1.):
        self.phi0 = phi0
        self.params = ['phi']
        self.std = numpy.array([std])
        # we'll just use a uniform prior
        self.prior_bounds = {'phi': Boundaries((0., 2*numpy.pi))}
        pmin = self.prior_bounds['phi'].lower
        dp = abs(self.prior_bounds['phi'])
        self.prior_dist = {'phi': stats.uniform(pmin, dp)}

    def prior_rvs(self, size=None, shape=None):
        return {p: self.prior_dist[p].rvs(size=size).reshape(shape)
                for p in self.params}

    def logprior(self, **kwargs):
        return sum([self.prior_dist[p].logpdf(kwargs[p]) for p in self.params])

    def loglikelihood(self, **kwargs):
        # apply cyclic bounds to xi to put in [0, 2\pi]
        xi = numpy.array([kwargs[p] for p in self.params]) % (2*numpy.pi)
        # shift xi by the amounted needed to move phi0 to the cetner of [0, 2\pi),
        # and apply bounds again
        dphi = numpy.pi - self.phi0
        xi = (xi + dphi) % (2*numpy.pi)
        # now use a truncated normal centered on pi
        b = numpy.pi/self.std
        a = -b
        return stats.truncnorm.logpdf(xi, a, b, loc=numpy.pi, scale=self.std).sum()

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        logp = self.logprior(**kwargs)
        if logp == -numpy.inf:
            logl = None
            logl = self.loglikelihood(**kwargs)
        return logl, logp
model = AngularModel()
prop = Angular(model.params)
# we'll compare to a normal proposal
norm_prop = Normal(model.params, cov=prop.cov)
# create 3 points to test, one on the edges and one in the middle
pmin, pmax = model.prior_bounds['phi']
test_points = numpy.array([pmin, (pmin+pmax)/2, pmax])
# test that jumps are all in bounds, and compare to norm
njumps = 1000
jumps = numpy.zeros((len(test_points), njumps))
norm_jumps = numpy.zeros((len(test_points), njumps))
for ii, xi in enumerate(test_points):
    jumps[ii,:] = numpy.array([prop.jump({'phi': xi})['phi']
                               for _ in range(njumps)])
    norm_jumps[ii,:] = numpy.array([norm_prop.jump({'phi': xi})['phi']
                                    for _ in range(njumps)])
# check that none of the jumps are out of bounds
print('Any jumps out of bounds?')
print('angular:', ((jumps < pmin) | (jumps > pmax)).any())
# compare to norm
print('normal:', ((norm_jumps < pmin) | (norm_jumps > pmax)).any())
Any jumps out of bounds?
angular: False
normal: True
# test the pdfs
pdfs = numpy.zeros(jumps.shape)
norm_pdfs = numpy.zeros(norm_jumps.shape)
for ii, xi in enumerate(test_points):
    pdfs[ii, :] = numpy.array([prop.pdf({'phi': tox}, {'phi': xi})
                               for tox in jumps[ii, :]])
    norm_pdfs[ii, :] = numpy.array([norm_prop.pdf({'phi': tox}, {'phi': xi})
                                    for tox in norm_jumps[ii, :]])
# plot them
fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=3)
for ii, xi in enumerate(test_points):
    color = 'C{}'.format(ii)
    ax.hist(jumps[ii,:], density=True, histtype='step',
            color=color, label=r'$x_0 = {}\pi$'.format(xi/numpy.pi))
    sortidx = jumps[ii, :].argsort()
    ax.plot(jumps[ii, :][sortidx], pdfs[ii, :][sortidx], color='r', ls='-.')
    ax.hist(norm_jumps[ii,:], density=True, histtype='step',
            linestyle='dashed', color='black')
    sortidx = norm_jumps[ii, :].argsort()
    ax.plot(norm_jumps[ii, :][sortidx], norm_pdfs[ii, :][sortidx],
            color='black', ls=':')
    ax.axvline(0., color='black', alpha=0.2, lw=0.5, zorder=-1)
    ax.axvline(2*numpy.pi, color='black', alpha=0.4, lw=0.5, zorder=-1)
    ax.set_xlim(-numpy.pi, 3*numpy.pi)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Comparison to Normal proposal: 1D

from epsie.samplers import MetropolisHastingsSampler
import multiprocessing
nchains = 12
nprocs = 4
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocs)
model = AngularModel()
prop = Angular(model.params)
# we'll compare to a normal proposal
norm_prop = Normal(model.params, cov=prop.cov)
sampler = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
sampler.start_position = model.prior_rvs(size=nchains)

sampler_norm = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
sampler_norm.start_position = sampler.start_position
(<epsie.proposals.angular.Angular object at 0x11de095c0>,)
(<epsie.proposals.normal.Normal object at 0x11de0bda0>,)
# run both for some iterations
def calculate_acf(data, normalize=True):
    """Calculates the autocorrelation of some data"""
    # zero the mean
    data = data - data.mean()
    # zero-pad to 2 * nearest power of 2
    newlen = int(2**(1+numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(len(data)))))
    x = numpy.zeros(newlen)
    x[:len(data)] = data[:]
    # correlate
    acf = numpy.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
    # drop corrupted region
    acf = acf[len(acf)//2:]
    # normalize
    if normalize:
        acf /= acf[0]
    return acf

def calculate_acl(data):
    """Calculates the autocorrelation length of some data.

    Algorithm used is from:
    N. Madras and A.D. Sokal, J. Stat. Phys. 50, 109 (1988).
    # calculate the acf
    acf = calculate_acf(data)
    # now the ACL: Following from Sokal, this is estimated
    # as the first point where M*tau[k] <= k, where
    # tau = 2*cumsum(acf) - 1, and M is a tuneable parameter,
    # generally chosen to be = 5 (which we use here)
    m = 5
    cacf = 2.*numpy.cumsum(acf) - 1.
    win = m * cacf <= numpy.arange(len(cacf))
    if win.any():
        acl = int(numpy.ceil(cacf[numpy.where(win)[0][0]]))
        # data is too short to estimate the ACL, just choose
        # the length of the data
        acl = len(data)
    return acl
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples = sampler.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays = {'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sx = samples['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = calculate_acl(sx)
    acls[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
print(acls, acls.mean())
[4 4 4 4 3 5 3 4 5 3 4 4] 3.9166666666666665
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples_norm = sampler_norm.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler_norm.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls_norm = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays_norm = {'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sx = samples_norm['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = calculate_acl(sx)
    acls_norm[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
print(acls_norm, acls_norm.mean())
[ 60 241  87  91 250  97  72 204 231  66 100 186] 140.41666666666666
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior = {'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 6453
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior_norm = {'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays_norm['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior_norm['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 236
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
ax.hist(posterior['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True, label='Angular')
ax.hist(posterior_norm['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True, label='Normal')
xpts = numpy.linspace(model.prior_bounds['phi'][0], model.prior_bounds['phi'][1],
postpdf = numpy.exp(numpy.array([sum(model(phi=pt)) for pt in xpts]))
norm = (numpy.diff(xpts)[0] * postpdf).sum()
ax.plot(xpts, postpdf/norm, label='model')
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
ar = sampler.acceptance['acceptance_ratio']
ar[ar > 1] = 1.
ar_norm = sampler_norm.acceptance['acceptance_ratio']
ar_norm[ar_norm > 1] = 1.

Timing comparison

model = AngularModel()

sampler = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, 1, pool=None,
sampler.start_position = model.prior_rvs(size=nchains)

sampler_norm = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, 1, pool=None)
sampler_norm.start_position = sampler.start_position
(<epsie.proposals.angular.Angular object at 0x11de094e0>,)
(<epsie.proposals.normal.Normal object at 0x11de2b518>,)
528 µs ± 56.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
403 µs ± 5.91 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

2D test

In this test, we’ll run a 2D model \(A e^{i\phi}\) in which the phase \(\phi\) is a truncated normal distribution centered on 0, and the amplitude is \(\beta\) distribution peaked toward 1.

from epsie.proposals import BoundedNormal
import numpy
from scipy import stats

class PolarModel(object):

    def __init__(self, phi0=0.):
        self.phi0 = 0.
        self.phi_std = 0.5
        self.params = ['amp', 'phi']
        a, b = 10, 2
        self.ampdist = stats.beta(a, b)
        # we'll just use a uniform prior
        self.prior_bounds = {
            'amp': Boundaries((0, 1.)),
            'phi': Boundaries((0., 2*numpy.pi))}
        self.prior_dist = {'phi': stats.uniform(0., 2*numpy.pi),
                           'amp': stats.uniform(0., 1.)}

    def prior_rvs(self, size=None, shape=None):
        return {p: self.prior_dist[p].rvs(size=size).reshape(shape)
                for p in self.params}

    def logprior(self, **kwargs):
        return sum([self.prior_dist[p].logpdf(kwargs[p]) for p in self.params])

    def _logpdf_phi(self, xi):
        # apply cyclic bounds to xi to put in [0, 2\pi]
        xi = xi % (2*numpy.pi)
        # shift xi by the amounted needed to move phi0 to the cetner of [0, 2\pi),
        # and apply bounds again
        dphi = numpy.pi - self.phi0
        xi = (xi + dphi) % (2*numpy.pi)
        # now use a truncated normal centered on pi
        b = numpy.pi/self.phi_std
        a = -b
        return stats.truncnorm.logpdf(xi, a, b, loc=numpy.pi, scale=self.phi_std).sum()

    def loglikelihood(self, **kwargs):
        return self.ampdist.logpdf(kwargs['amp']) + self._logpdf_phi(kwargs['phi'])

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        logp = self.logprior(**kwargs)
        if logp == -numpy.inf:
            logl = None
            logl = self.loglikelihood(**kwargs)
        return logl, logp
model = PolarModel()
phis = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num=1000)
amps = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
arvs = model.ampdist.rvs(size=10000)
prvs = stats.truncnorm.rvs(-numpy.pi/model.phi_std, numpy.pi/model.phi_std,
                           loc=0, scale=model.phi_std, size=10000)
prvs[prvs < 0] += 2*numpy.pi
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2)
ax1.hist(arvs,  histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax1.plot(amps, model.ampdist.pdf(amps))
ax2.hist(prvs, histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax2.plot(phis, numpy.exp(numpy.array([model._logpdf_phi(p) for p in phis])))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
phiprop = Angular(['phi'])
ampprop = BoundedNormal(['amp'], boundaries={'amp': model.prior_bounds['amp']})
# we'll compare to a normal proposal
phiprop_norm = Normal(['phi'], cov=phiprop.cov)
ampprop_norm = Normal(['amp'], cov=ampprop.cov)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocs)

sampler = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
                                    proposals=[ampprop, phiprop])
sampler.start_position = model.prior_rvs(size=nchains)

sampler_norm = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
                                         proposals=[ampprop_norm, phiprop_norm])
sampler_norm.start_position = sampler.start_position
(<epsie.proposals.bounded_normal.BoundedNormal object at 0x11de58438>, <epsie.proposals.angular.Angular object at 0x11de585f8>)
(<epsie.proposals.normal.Normal object at 0x11de09470>, <epsie.proposals.normal.Normal object at 0x11de09a20>)
# run both for some iterations
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples = sampler.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays = {'amp': [], 'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sp = samples['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    sa = samples['amp'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = max(calculate_acl(sp), calculate_acl(sa))
    acls[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples_norm = sampler_norm.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler_norm.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls_norm = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays_norm = {'amp': [], 'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sp = samples_norm['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    sa = samples_norm['amp'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = max(calculate_acl(sp), calculate_acl(sa))
    acls_norm[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
print(acls, acls.mean())
[12 10 22 19 10 10 11 13 18 16 14 15] 14.166666666666666
print(acls_norm, acls_norm.mean())
[ 46 103  86  71  63  58 256  44 147  53 176  94] 99.75
(12, 4096)
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior = {'amp': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays['amp']),
             'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 1859
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior_norm = {'amp': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays_norm['amp']),
                  'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays_norm['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior_norm['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 329
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
sc = ax.scatter(posterior['phi'], posterior['amp'], c=numpy.arange(posterior['amp'].shape[0]))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
sc = ax.scatter(posterior_norm['phi'], posterior_norm['amp'], c=numpy.arange(posterior_norm['amp'].shape[0]))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
phis = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num=1000)
amps = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2)
ax1.hist(posterior['amp'],  histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax1.plot(amps, model.ampdist.pdf(amps))
ax2.hist(posterior['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax2.plot(phis, numpy.exp(numpy.array([model._logpdf_phi(p) for p in phis])))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
phis = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num=1000)
amps = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2)
ax1.hist(posterior_norm['amp'],  histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax1.plot(amps, model.ampdist.pdf(amps))
ax2.hist(posterior_norm['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax2.plot(phis, numpy.exp(numpy.array([model._logpdf_phi(p) for p in phis])))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
for ii in range(nchains):
ax.axhline(0, color='gray', lw=0.5)
ax.axhline(2, color='gray', lw=0.5)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
for ii in range(nchains):
ax.axhline(0, color='gray', lw=0.5)
ax.axhline(2, color='gray', lw=0.5)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

With adaptation (Veitch et al. algorithm)

There is also an adaptive version of the angular proposal. Let’s repeat the above tests with the adaptation.

from epsie.proposals import (AdaptiveAngular, AdaptiveBoundedNormal, AdaptiveNormal)
adaptation_duration = 2048

1D test

model = AngularModel()
prior_widths = {p: abs(bnds) for p, bnds in model.prior_bounds.items()}
prop = AdaptiveAngular(model.params, adaptation_duration=adaptation_duration)
prop_norm = AdaptiveNormal(model.params, prior_widths, adaptation_duration=adaptation_duration)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocs)

sampler = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
sampler.start_position = model.prior_rvs(size=nchains)

sampler_norm = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
sampler_norm.start_position = sampler.start_position
(<epsie.proposals.angular.AdaptiveAngular object at 0x11e3d1438>,)
(<epsie.proposals.normal.AdaptiveNormal object at 0x11ddfc128>,)
# run both for some iterations*adaptation_duration)*adaptation_duration)
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples = sampler.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays = {'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sx = samples['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = calculate_acl(sx)
    acls[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
print(acls, acls.mean())
[4 4 4 3 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4] 4.083333333333333
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples_norm = sampler_norm.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler_norm.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls_norm = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays_norm = {'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sx = samples_norm['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = calculate_acl(sx)
    acls_norm[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
print(acls_norm, acls_norm.mean())
[10 11 21 11 14  9 12 11 14 17 17 15] 13.5
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior = {'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 6145
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior_norm = {'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays_norm['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior_norm['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 1936
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
ax.hist(posterior['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True, label='Angular')
ax.hist(posterior_norm['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True, label='Normal')
xpts = numpy.linspace(model.prior_bounds['phi'][0], model.prior_bounds['phi'][1],
postpdf = numpy.exp(numpy.array([sum(model(phi=pt)) for pt in xpts]))
norm = (numpy.diff(xpts)[0] * postpdf).sum()
ax.plot(xpts, postpdf/norm, label='model')
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
ar = sampler.acceptance['acceptance_ratio']
ar[ar > 1] = 1.
ar_norm = sampler_norm.acceptance['acceptance_ratio']
ar_norm[ar_norm > 1] = 1.

2D test

model = PolarModel()
prior_widths = {p: abs(bnds) for p, bnds in model.prior_bounds.items()}
ampprop = AdaptiveBoundedNormal(['amp'], boundaries={'amp': model.prior_bounds['amp']},
phiprop = AdaptiveAngular(['phi'], adaptation_duration=adaptation_duration)
prop_norm = AdaptiveNormal(model.params, prior_widths, adaptation_duration=adaptation_duration)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocs)

sampler = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
                                    proposals=[ampprop, phiprop])
sampler.start_position = model.prior_rvs(size=nchains)

sampler_norm = MetropolisHastingsSampler(model.params, model, nchains, pool=pool,
sampler_norm.start_position = sampler.start_position
(<epsie.proposals.bounded_normal.AdaptiveBoundedNormal object at 0x11e3d1470>, <epsie.proposals.angular.AdaptiveAngular object at 0x11e3d1438>)
(<epsie.proposals.normal.AdaptiveNormal object at 0x11e003470>,)
# run both for some iterations*adaptation_duration)*adaptation_duration)
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples = sampler.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays = {'amp': [], 'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sp = samples['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    sa = samples['amp'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = max(calculate_acl(sp), calculate_acl(sa))
    acls[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
# get the samples; recall that this is a dictionary of
# nchains x niterations arrays for each parameter
samples_norm = sampler_norm.positions
# as we said above, we'll assume the first half
# of the chain was burn in
burnin_iter = sampler_norm.niterations // 2
# set up arrays to store the ACL of each chain and
# the thinned chains
acls_norm = numpy.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
thinned_arrays_norm = {'amp': [], 'phi': []}
# cycle over the chains, calculating the ACLs and thinning them
for ii in range(nchains):
    # get the second half of the chains
    sp = samples_norm['phi'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    sa = samples_norm['amp'][ii, burnin_iter:]
    # compute the acl for each parameter
    acl = max(calculate_acl(sp), calculate_acl(sa))
    acls_norm[ii] = acl
    # note that we'll thin the arrays starting from the
    # end to get the lastest results
print(acls, acls.mean())
[12 11 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 20  9] 12.0
print(acls_norm, acls_norm.mean())
[13 18 11 12 29 20 15 13 23 10 23 30] 18.083333333333332
(12, 4096)
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior = {'amp': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays['amp']),
             'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 2123
# create a flattened posterior array
posterior_norm = {'amp': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays_norm['amp']),
                  'phi': numpy.concatenate(thinned_arrays_norm['phi'])}
print("Number of independent samples:", posterior_norm['phi'].size)
Number of independent samples: 1553
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
sc = ax.scatter(posterior['phi'], posterior['amp'], c=numpy.arange(posterior['amp'].shape[0]))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
sc = ax.scatter(posterior_norm['phi'], posterior_norm['amp'], c=numpy.arange(posterior_norm['amp'].shape[0]))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
phis = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num=1000)
amps = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2)
ax1.hist(posterior['amp'],  histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax1.plot(amps, model.ampdist.pdf(amps))
ax2.hist(posterior['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax2.plot(phis, numpy.exp(numpy.array([model._logpdf_phi(p) for p in phis])))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
phis = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num=1000)
amps = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2)
ax1.hist(posterior_norm['amp'],  histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax1.plot(amps, model.ampdist.pdf(amps))
ax2.hist(posterior_norm['phi'], histtype='step', bins=100, density=True)
ax2.plot(phis, numpy.exp(numpy.array([model._logpdf_phi(p) for p in phis])))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>