Using a chain

The Chain class is central to sampling in epsie. Both the Metropolis-Hastings sampler and the parallel tempered sampler use Chain to represent each of the parallel chains (the parallel tempered sampler uses a parallel tempered chain, which itself is just a collection of Chain instances). A Chain is also the thing that is passed to proposals’ update function.

In this notebook we demonstrate setting up and running a chain. Generally, you do not interact with chains directly, but rather with the sampler classes. However, this will give a better sense of what is going on under the hood, and what information is available to proposals when they are updated.

%matplotlib notebook
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy

from epsie.proposals import Normal
from epsie.chain import Chain
# simple model for testing
from scipy import stats
class Model(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # we'll use a 2D Gaussian for the likelihood distribution
        self.params = ['x', 'y']
        self.mean = [2., 5.]
        self.cov = [[1., 0.], [0., 2.]]
        self.likelihood_dist = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=self.mean,

        # we'll just use a uniform prior
        self.prior_bounds = {'x': (-20., 20.),
                             'y': (-20., 20.)}
        xmin = self.prior_bounds['x'][0]
        dx = self.prior_bounds['x'][1] - xmin
        ymin = self.prior_bounds['y'][0]
        dy = self.prior_bounds['y'][1] - ymin
        self.prior_dist = {'x': stats.uniform(xmin, dx),
                           'y': stats.uniform(ymin, dy)}

    def prior_rvs(self, size=None):
        return {p: self.prior_dist[p].rvs(size=size)
                for p in self.params}

    def logprior(self, **kwargs):
        return sum([self.prior_dist[p].logpdf(kwargs[p]) for p in self.params])

    def loglikelihood(self, **kwargs):
        return self.likelihood_dist.logpdf([kwargs[p] for p in self.params])

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        logp = self.logprior(**kwargs)
        if logp == -numpy.inf:
            logl = None
            logl = self.loglikelihood(**kwargs)
        return logl, logp
model = Model()
# just use a normal distribution for the proposals (Metropolish-Hastings algorithm)
proposal = Normal(['x', 'y'])
# create the chain; we'll use a seed to make the results deterministic
chain = Chain(model.params, model, [proposal], bit_generator=100)
# set the starting positions
chain.start_position = model.prior_rvs()
# evolve the chain for 1000 steps
for _ in range(1000):
# plot the samples
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(2)
# the true values
ax1.axhline(model.mean[0], color='r', ls='--')
ax2.axhline(model.mean[1], color='r', ls='--')
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# plot the acceptance ratios (clipped off at 1)
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
ar = chain.acceptance['acceptance_ratio']
ar[ar > 1.] = 1.
ax.set_ylabel('acceptance ratio')
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# plot the positions, colored by their log posterior
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
s = ax.scatter(chain.positions['x'], chain.positions['y'], c=chain.stats['logl']+chain.stats['logp'])
c = fig.colorbar(s)
# the true values
ax.axvline(model.mean[0], color='r')
ax.axhline(model.mean[1], color='r')
c.set_label('$\log p(d|h)p(h)$')
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